The text is Baird's Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida (5th Ed.)
Course Schedule
Week – Date – Readings | Topics |
1- 01/13/09 | Introduction:
2- 1/15/09 Plato Apology 17a-35d Plato Republic, Book V: 448e-480a; Book VI-VII, 502c-521b Plato Phaedo 44a-56a | Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Greece
3- 01/20/09 Aristotle's Metaphysics 1* Selections from pre-Socratics, Heraclitu,s and Parmenides [online] *Where title alone is given, or a chapter, read all selections in that work or chapter in the anthology | Introduction to Metaphysics in Ancient Greece
3- 1/22/09 Plato Crito 6a-13a Plato Euthypro (selections) | Introduction to Metaphysics in Ancient Greece
4- 01/27/09 Plato The Sophist (selections online) Aristotle Physics II, 192b-193b22, 194b16-195b30, 197a36-199a33 | Aristotle and Plato
4 - 1/29/09 Plato Meno 82-86b Aristotle Metaphysics, 996a18-997a15, 1003a-1005a18, 1025b3-1027a28 Aristotle On the Soul | Aristotle and Plato
4 – 2/3/09 Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics, Books 1 and 2 Plato Republic (selections online) | Aristotle and Plato
5 – 2/5/09 First paper assigned Epicurus Principal Doctrines Epictetus the Manual (i-v, xxx-xxxvi) | Later Greek Thought
5 2/10/09
| Later Greek Thought
6 - 2/12/09 Augustine Confessions Anselm Proslogion | Augustine, Boethius, and Anselm – Early Medieval Philosophy
6 – 2/17/09 Anselm Debate over the Ontological Argument Boethius Consolation of Philosophy | Augustine, Boethius, and Anselm – Early Medieval Philosophy
7 - 2/19/09 Maimonides Guide for the Perplexed Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, selections – PP, q. 2, 13, 49 Aquinas, De Ente et Essentia (selections online) | Thomas Aquinas, Occham, and Moses Maimonides - High Medieval Philosophy
7 – 2/24/09 First Paper Due – one of three prompts Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, PP, q. 75-83; PPS, q. 3, 9-10, 90-94; SS, q. 23 a 6-8. Occham, Summa Logicae (Part I, Chapters 14-16) | Thomas Aquinas, Occham, and Moses Maimonides - High Medieval Philosophy
8 - 2/26/09 Catch-up day/Review In Class Midterm Exam – Ancient and Medieval thought | |
8 - 3/3/09 Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy I, II, III | Introduction to Modern Philosophy – Humanism, the Reformation, and Epistemological “Metaphysics”
8 – 3/05/09 Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy IV-VI Gilson Unity of Philosophical Experience (selections online) | Introduction to Modern Philosophy – Humanism, the Reformation, and Epistemological “Metaphysics”
9 - 3/10-12 | Spring Break |
10 - 3/17/09 Pascal Pensees Spinoza Ethics 1 | Interlude
10 – 3/19/09 Spinoza Ethics 2 Leibniz Monadology Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics | Interlude
11- 3/24/09 Locke Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (selections to be announced) Locke Second Treatise (excerpts online) | Modern Epistemology, Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion
11 – 3/26/09 Second paper assigned Berkeley Three Dialogues Hume Dialogue on Natural Theology (selections online) | Modern Epistemology, Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion
12 – 3/31/09 Hume Enquiry (excerpts) Kant Critique of Pure Reason (Introduction, online) | Hume and Kant – Empiricism to Critique
12 – 4/02/09 Kant Prolegomena Kant Foundation for the Metaphysics of Morals “Kant” in Copleston | Kantian Thought
13 – 4/07/09 Hegel Phenomenology of Spirit “Hegel” in Copleston | Hegel and German Idealism
13 – 4/09/09 Kierkegaard Concluding Unscientific Postscript Nietzsche Twilight of the Idols (selections TBA) | Later German Thought
14 – 4/14/09 Second paper due – one of three prompts Sokolowski Introduction to Phenomenology (selections online) “Husserl” in Copleston (online) Heidegger Introduction to Metaphysics (part 1) | The Phenomenological Tradition
14 – 4/16/09 Heidegger Introduction to Metaphysics (part 2) Sartre Being and Nothingness Sartre Existentialism is a Humanism Simone De Beauvoir The Second Sex (Introduction) | Existentialism
15 – 4/21/09 “Gottleib Frege” in Copleston (online) Wittgenstein Tractatus Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations (selections) “Logical Positivism” in Copleston (online) | Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
15 – 4/23/09 Quine Two Dogmas of Empiricism (selections) Derrida Signature, Event, Context (selections) MacIntyre After Virtue (selections) MacIntyre First Principles, etc. (selections) | Contemporary Philosophical Problems and Positions
16 – 4/28/09 Catch-up day/Review | |
Final Exam: May 5, 4-6 pm |